Hollywood Movies are dismissed as entertainment and their
messages are lost upon the audience. Recent box office hits show the complex
dynamic between the increasing solitude or isolation brought on by technology
dependence. Though completely different, Into the wild and The Social
Network share
an underlying theme of solitude and isolation brought on by an increase of
industrialization and most specifically, technology.
The Social Network more directly relates to technology, as the film
depicts the startup of Facebook. The beautiful irony in the film is that MarkZuckerberg and his friends started the social networking website as a means of
curing their own loneliness. Despite the widespread success of the application,
the increased isolation and solitude forced on Zuckerberg throughout the film
helps to balance the “good and evil” of technological advancements. Social
media and technology has made us forget and miss out the basics of human
interaction. We have replaced human contact for technological
replacements. Often we have used social media as a replacement for real
connections, and we have convinced ourselves that those are the connections
that matter.
Into the wild is a little more ambiguous when connecting it with
technology. The meaning of solitude and technology needs to be applied to the
film analysis in order to obtain the deeper meaning. After having it all,
Christopher decides to leave everything behind and starts a journey to find
himself. He got tired of everything, and realized he didn’t know who he was and
what he wanted. In a way, our society has used technology as an
escape, the same way as Christopher used nature. More and more we
forget what is around us and technology dominates our lives, isolating us from
our surroundings. But no matter how much we try to isolate ourselves there is a
point in which we understand that "Happiness is onlyreal, when shared" When Christopher decides to return and to go back
to his loved ones, he realizes is not that easy. This is a metaphor of what
could happen with us: the more we get dependent on
technology, when we desire to return we will find a river as wide as
the one Christopher found.
The message of both films is clear. As the industrialized world continues to
make advancements in technology, it will be important for users to distance
their dependence. Though forms of technology have an incredible ability to
facilitate daily tasks and operations, as with anything in life it must be used
and applied in moderation. "Happiness is only real, when